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Garden Decoration

The plants are not only living elements that accompany us and who look splendid in the Garden: configurable true decorative elements, forming up to complete landscapes through its proper distribution and focal points. You just need to know a little with regard to the characteristics of each variety and species, to design a garden that is one room of our home. As a general rule, we should choose plant varieties that best suit our garden, taking into account the characteristics of the soil, moisture, exposure to solar and other rays. Sometimes we like a certain plant, but as much as we try we cannot make it look stunning or even keep. It could be that the species has requirements climatic or soil that we are not giving you. The first Council is therefore evaluate the space, and from this choose varieties according to the advice of a professional or the query in books and journals. Hedges, hedge (o aligustrinas), oleander and others are a good way of dividing the garden environments.

With regular maintenance, we will create edges and divisions or even forms at low altitudes that will define the garden in a special way. The flowers usually station, so we must pay attention to the plant as a whole when designing the garden. Many varieties have no flowers, but can be stunning year-round decorations, as it is the case of autochthonous, the drought tolerant, and many trees and shrubs, including conifers. The vines (such as Ivy, in love of the wall, bignonias, jasmine, honeysuckle and many more) can transform any wall or trellis in a green surrounding. This will help you to create the perception of open spaces of larger surface, and they can enhance the appearance of any corner, especially if you put them on walls that can be seen from inside the home. Plants can also be functional objects. We can use them to guard sites such as sheds disguise u other (pump water, the irrigation, site tools guard or others). We can place shrubs leafy ahead, either in land or pot, and to wood, plastic, cane, Wicker, Heather or metal fences to allow the propagation of vines. Finally, the varieties of long leaves are ideal, such as the chisel or the dracena, since they cover the space in a simple way and in a short time.

January 17, 2017 at 8:26 am Comments (0)

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