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40 + And How Your

With the perspectives workshop for the 40 +-generation showcase new ways the aging phenomenon has been entered in the company. Not despite but precisely because the economic and financial crisis calls for the personal development of the organizations in these times, those responsible should deal more with this unstoppable fact: the workforce is older and thus also the knowledge carriers of the companies. But what happens with the potential 40 +? Are the Mitt forties superfluous? What probably outweighs this Know-How carriers? Internal termination? Frustration? Or maybe more motivation? Or is there not yet a much greater expectation on the profession, the own vocation? Will the 40 +-promoted generation in these times of crisis, training? Because the stimulation of motivation of this age group is essential. And what is used by HR managers, executives and business leaders for the 40 +-generation offered? The self-confidence of the 40 + should not be in these days diminish. Quite the contrary. A professional or personal location tracking brings clarity, what they really want. The own self reflection, values, motivation and objectives are to lead in person in mind.

A possible new, personal direction can be done afterwards. Perhaps still a sabbatical? Why not? This is the aim of a perspectives workshop 40 +, offered by Mrs Kessler, HCM consulting. The workshop is aimed at all those who would think and – also in turbulent times – change or evolve through their work-life balance. Next to those who want to independently make your professional and private life, aimed the perspectives workshop 40 + but also to all managers and staff developers, managers and organizational Managing Director. It is an attempt to create new perspectives for all parties involved! Ruth Kessler HCM consulting

June 3, 2019 at 7:56 am
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