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Religious Man

The respectful, voluntary and always available submission stops with God, constitutes a college that, eventually, is not accessible to the not-believers and, on the other hand, the reverence who must to the supernatural beings and the holy ghosts, in the circumstance, God, also in nothing diminish the person human being, physically considered, in the measure where if reverence what if it respects, loves and adores, passing this being the holy ghost to be part of the religious constitution of the believing human being and temente. The tranquilidade that the spirit submisso and reverente stops with the God where believes, provides, constitutes an excellent process to arrive itself at the happiness and to the peace, because if the spirit it is not amargurado, sorry and sad, because it has the conscience of the fulfilled duties stops with its God and, for extension analogical, it stops with its next and equal one, considered this servant to the image and similarity of God, then the happiness and the peace are possible because, competently, if they had developed the adequate attitudes: submission and reverence, both with dignity and certainty. 5. The Religious Man the man, in its more genuine and deep singularity, is distinguished of all the nature for its cognitivas, afectivas, aesthetic and religious capacities. It is little probable that any another animal possesss the college of if binding supernatural transcendente, for example, for the meditation, the attitudes of submission, reverence and worship, through the conjunct.

The religion is a manifestation eminently human being and all the cultures deeply are marked by this fenmeno, because: ‘ ‘ When the man believes in God and observes the lowermost difference that separates the divine nature of its, then if prostra ahead of God adores and it. The worship is the maximum expression of the relation with God of one human being (). The meaning of the worship is that God is absolutely everything for who adora.’ ‘ Considered its physical finitude and precariousness, in a world that not yet knows total, the man feels itself fragile and dependent of whom, dramatical, nor always throughout its filogentica and ontogentica history he knew or he wanted to identify.

March 13, 2017 at 2:41 pm Comments (0)

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