Filed under News by Bruce
today called the condo plots … Los NGELES (USA), the localizaci’e these projects … Real estate has been absorbing those sites …
Los Angeles. Hualqui. Condominium Brisamar – Property Ebcosur … The Canelos buildings is a project of the department of two and three bedrooms, …
Projects for Puebla de los Angeles, Puebla. Step underpass Cetys … Real estate in Dubai, Invest in Mazatlan ‘San Felipe new Encanta’9-storey tower …
out real estate projects outside of the representatives of … Future in Los Angeles. New York: Vintage Books. De Mattos, C. (2002) …
by Damien Abbott (Hardcover – Jul 1, 2008)
July 29, 2012 at 2:12 am Comments (0)
Filed under News by Bruce
process management is how to manage the entire organization based in the Process. In tending such as a sequence of activities designed to generate added value on a ticket to get a result and an output which in turn meets the customer’s requirements.
Characteristic features
You can describe the inputs and outputs. The process crosses one or legal more functional organizational boundaries. One of the significant features of the processes is that they are capable of vertically and horizontally across the organization.
It takes about goals and purposes rather than actions and remedies. A process answers the question “what”, not “how”. The process must be easily understood by anyone in the organization. The name assigned lawyers to each process should be suggestive of the concepts and activities included in it.
Some terms related to process management, which are required to take into account to facilitate their identification, selection and subsequent definition are:
Bakery Process: Set of interrelated resources and activities that transform inputs into law firm output elements. Resources may include personnel, finance, facilities, equipment, techniques and methods.
Key processes are those processes that have a significant impact on strategic objectives and attorneys are critical to business success.
Threads: they are well-defined parts in a process. Their identification may be useful to isolate problems that may arise and possible treatments within a single process.
System: Organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement a given management such as quality management, the management of the environment or the management of the divorce prevention of occupational hazards. Usually are based on an internationally recognized standard that aims to serve as a management tool in the underwriting process.
Procedure: specified way to carry out an activity. In many cases the procedures are in documents that contain the object and the scope of an activity to be done and by whom, when, where and how they must perform, that materials, equipment and documents to be used and as should be monitored and recorded.
Activity: is the sum of tasks, usually grouped together in a procedure to facilitate its management.
July 15, 2012 at 1:36 pm Comments (0)
Filed under News by Bruce
With the results obtained it was possible to verify that the fundamental concepts that they must know in the levels Secondary and Pre-university do not dominate in a high percent of the analyzed cases. This is same the base to be able to include/understand the new knowledge that are going away to distribute to the student in university education, on the other hand neither the students nor the educational ones see the importance of the subject of Physics for the later development of the professional of computer science thus the stimulus to study conscientiously the subject lacks also. Starting off of previously expressed and the experience of work with our students we designed a strategy to at least partly solve the difficulties that have the students with the subject from the needs that they they present/display, consisting of the design of a Course of Leveling with the contents necessary to face the exigencies of Physical Physics I and II. The same can be distributed in the Stage of Leveling of the Students of First Year, considering the curricular changes that delay are happened for the next course. A proposal of Model of Planning and Control of the Educational Process (P1) for the Course of Leveling of the Subject of Physics of the Students of Engineering in Computer science Sciences is elaborated. Model of Planning and Control of the Educational Process (P1) GENERAL PERFORMANCES Subject: Physics Discipline: Physics Race: Computer science engineering Academic year: First Semester: First DISTRIBUTION OF HOURS SUBJECTS C CP CTP S T L Eval Total Subject 1: Kinematics of the particle. 1 1 Subject 2: Dynamics of the particle. 1 2 3 Subject 3: Work and energy.
Conservation laws. 1 2 3 Subject 4: Mechanical oscillations and waves. 1 1 Subject 5: Thermodynamics. 1 1 2 Subject 6: Electromagnetic induction. 1 1 2 Subject 7: Optics. 1 1 Consolidation 1 1 2 Totals 5 9 3 15 4.CONCLUSIONES When studying the programs of the subjects of Physics in the different levels from education could be stated that the curriculum fulfills the requirements necessary to give support to the contents that will receive the students in the level superior, but actually this is limited by the deficiencies that exist in the preparation of the educational ones which they face the task of teaching, in their majority only use like education means learning the televising classes that although have a suitable level do not receive the pursuit that is expected. The students enter the faculty with difficulties in the dominion of basic concepts of the subject of Physics, which brings like consequences low indices of promotion, with the well-known levels by ricochet to the subject. After the realized analyses it becomes necessary to implement a leveling course for the students of the Regional Faculty of Artemisa who enter the university.
the news
July 2, 2012 at 9:47 pm Comments (0)